At our organization, we prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to provide the best possible service. However, despite our efforts, it may happen that you are not completely satisfied. In such cases, you are welcome to file a complaint. Rest assured, we take all complaints seriously and will work together with you to find a suitable solution. Your feedback also helps us to improve our services.
What can you do?
You can submit your complaint via email to our secretariat at: info@faceinstitute.nl. Please describe your complaint as clearly as possible, including details about the treatment(s), practitioner(s), location, and time(s) involved. We will contact you as soon as possible and do our utmost to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.
Complaints Officer
You can also contact our external complaints officer. This independent complaints officer will treat your complaint with the utmost care and will work with you to resolve your complaint. They can be reached at klachtenengeschillen@dokh.nl and by phone at 072-520 83 25.