It is difficult to make important decisions without fully understanding your options. We offer 30 minute on-line virtual consultation with 3D morphing for 150 Euro. Our experts will demonstrate your surgical options for rhinoplasty/nose reconstruction or facial surgery using state-of-the-art 3D morphing technology. We are also able to deliver a evaluation for a non-surgical or surgical facial anti-aging plan. In some cases a 3d morping is not needed or can not be done and that will be evaluated case by case. You will be e-mailed final morphed images for you to keep after the consultation has ended.
Whether you are looking at a specific fix or want to look at opportunities on altering unvanted signs of agening. A 3D face consulttion is a great way to get started and have a personal evaluation done together by our two different face experts: a non-surgical aesthetics doctor and a surgical facial aesthetic doctor. Welcome to book and try out this exquisite service.